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Import export of marchandise Zaire

Publicado por Jamal Belquaid Indivíduo Zaire, Angola, AO
Import export of marchandise

Detalhes do anúncio: Import export of marchandise Zaire, Angola, AO

Who are we ?
Quick tour sarl road tansport of goods and logistics import export commissionaire on line.

Quick tour sarl négoce is a Moroccan import-export company of: fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, Moroccan truffles, fresh mushrooms, canned mushrooms, wild mushrooms, canned vegetables, canned fruits, canned truffles, aromatic herbs, herbs medicinal, edible oils, cosmetic oils, fresh fish, frozen fish, frozen fish, canned fish, fresh seafood, canned seafood, dried fruit, live snails, snail caviar, canned snails, snail slime. korami négoce guarantees you: - quality, in services and in products, with a large supplier portfolio, and a good mastery of know-how, your requests are our concern. - continuity, because your 1st order will not be the last, with our customer follow-up, and our advice in terms of commercial than in technical terms, and the flexibility of transactions, you will always be delighted to have more and more orders with us. quick tour sarl négoce can bring you a good saving in terms of time, and in commercial terms, with its wide range of products and services, and with its mastery approved by other companies and organizations.

Quick tour sarl


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Jamal Belquaid
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  • ma  Marrocos
  • Publicação: 02 Nov 2022 - 21:19
  • Visitas: 1.979